Project: FLUX
Year the project commenced: 2009
Year it became impossible: 2013/2014
The aim of FLUX was to explore a bold, experiential and stimulating performance project in a large, non-theatrical venue with eleven eclectic artists. FLUX was to be an episodic exploit of images that would physically manoeuvre, manipulate and electrify the audience.
There were many summaries and names: Unprocessed. Scarred. As part of the development period it was proposed two weeks be spent examining Affluenza in the western world “when too much is never enough”.
It went somewhere totally different in the end.
Although they tried and tried again for funding the continual response was that it doesn't fit in the box/es! So it was scaled down to a two hander and reworked to become a completely different work called ANIMAL!
ANIMAL has won several awards and been presented in numerous cities. More information on the project is at influxtheatre.com.

ArtistS: NICCI wilkS, Susie Dee, Kate Sherman, Kelly Ryall, Mitch Jones, Stuart Christie & Tom Davies.